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I go to the woods

“It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.”
— Mary Oliver, Invitation

We all go someplace to work things out: a favorite chair next to a window, the arms of a loved one, the kitchen, the garden, the ocean, some exotic somewhere with frangipani-scented air.

Me? I go to the woods. Or the mountains. Near or far. I go for hard hikes that make me sweat. I pound whatever needs to be pounded into the earth, Mother Earth, Pachamama. You know, the Stuff of Life: grief, hurt, anger, fear. She takes it and remakes it. And almost always this works. I return lighter, sometimes even (if only temporarily) enlightened. I return with this Mary Oliver line in my head.

And also, of course, and predictably, Wendell Berry: “For a time/ I rest in the grace of the world and I am free.”

Today I am tired from a hard day of mountain hiking in the snow at 6,000 feet. It’s the good kind of tired. I am scoured clean of dark thoughts. Of all thoughts. Thus I offer these images I made (as photographers are supposed to say, not “pictures I took”) of places–near and far– that have both challenged me and offered me solace, places where I have felt free and joyful.



1 Ellen Todras { 03.08.23 at 1:05 pm }

Thank you, Lauren. And of course. When my son was an infant and was crying for some unknown reason, or no reason, I’d go outside with him and he’d calm down. I wonder, is being outdoors an ancient healer that we’ve neglected?

2 Lauren { 03.08.23 at 6:32 pm }

I absolutely think so!

3 Sue Prichard { 03.08.23 at 4:56 pm }

Those definitely qualify as images, and not just plain old pictures. Just beautiful.

4 Lauren { 03.08.23 at 6:32 pm }

Thank you so much, Sue. The images are from Blanton Heights Trail, Odell Lake, Wasatch Mountains and Spain.

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